How to use the E8 Markets Discount Coupon? (Step by Step)
1. Copy the E8 Markets coupon code from the card
Click on the coupon code to copy it to your clipboard and then click on “Go to the deal”.
2. E8 Markets Website

The “Go to the deal” button should land you here. Or you may visit the website of E8 Markets(Formerly E8 Funding) manually.
3. Now choose your E8 Program

Compare the offered E8 Markets Program before you choose. Read Forex Trading Journals’ in-house trader review to get a complete picture of E8 Markets. Then find the one best suited to you from…
- One Account
- E8 Account
- Track Account
4. Choose the Account Size

Choose the account steps, trading platform, the account size, trading conditions, drawdown, payout proportion, type of payout and the continue to the next.
5. Find the E8 Coupon Section on Checkout

Fill out the form with your information and paste the coupon code you copied from the card above. Your E8 Coupon now should already be applied and you’ll see the confirmation like the one above.
Now click on ‘Finish Order’ to check out to the payment.